a person who plans the form, look, or workings of something...
what to expect, when you hire us for your design project....
site visit + discussions

Step 1 is always a "site visit" with lots of "hunting and gathering" if you have any documents/blueprints/ floorplans etc. that you can share, they are all helpful to a designer. We will take a lot of measurements and photos and chat about what you want us to help you accomplish!
concepting + research

Then we go back to the office or comfy chair to think about what we have seen and do some research. Research can uncover things that will influence our design. Architecture, building methods and materials, previous owners and uses, historic or commercial, and other designations will all inform our design.
decisions! colors + vibes

Step 3 is to take our research findings, measurements, budgets, info, input from the owner, contractor, and end users, and combine alllll of that into a cohesive plan - or "design"! Thoughtful design decisions balance aesthetics, budget, and functionality.

Now that we have a design - we search for the right items at the right price point to make it happen! Sometimes it means pulling a chair out of the living room to create a reading nook in another room. Sometimes it means a trip to the NC furniture markets. Most of the time there is a lot of internet surfing /chatting with a LOT of suppliers and manufacturers.
scheduling + logistics

Step 5 is crucial to a successful project and it is the part that most folks don't even realize that designers do! Designers use their relationships, and knowledge of the market/manufacturers to purchase items & organize delivery. Designers navigate the maze of supply chains, building codes, and customer constraints..... making sure both the paint & the painters are at the right place at the right time is no small feat!

exciting days! deliveries have been made... and sometimes returned! Now we can get to work. We often have help but in an emergency (mother-in-law is visiting) we can hang the television, install tile, and (like last week) we can plant hostas along a shady walkway to create a secret garden on the way to your carriage house! We oversee crews of painters, carpenters, and handymen. We push a lot of furniture around, and then, we push it around some more. (we move a LOT of furniture). We raid the cupboards for bits and bobs.
We sweat the details...
relax! whew

pour a glass of champagne ... put your feet up on the new ottoman - maybe have a party - show off a little bit - and get used to folks walking in and kissing you (on both cheeks, obviously) and exclaiming ..."mwah ...mwah.... dahling it's divine..." Just kidding... sort of...

just give us a shout-we are happy to chat about your project.